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ES影院推荐《挚爱1969HD中字》免费观看全集高清地址,《挚爱1969HD中字》是一部十分好看的喜剧片,《挚爱1969HD中字》是一部上映在法国地区的法语喜剧片,由皮埃尔·埃泰,安妮·弗拉泰利尼,尼科尔·卡尔方,Alain,Janey,Ketty,France,Louis,Maiss,Jacqueline,Rouillard主演,挚爱1969HD中字的剧情简介:IMDB简介  Pierre married Florence, the only daughter of a small industrialist. 15 years later, he is the boss, but his middle-class life worries him a lot. When a new young and lovely secretary comes, he starts dreaming. Written by Yepok  Twenty-five year old Pierre is a man who likes to play the field, about which most of girlfriends are aware. Pierre falls into a relationship with Florence Girard, who he loves and marries more out of circumstance than anything. Their life is less than the exciting one he envisioned for himself, as he ends up working for Florence's father in the office of the family business, a tannery. Old habits surface as he embarks on a few extramarital dalliances, which he sees solely as distractions from the problems of marriage, one of those problems with Florence being her mother, who Florence resembles. Thus he sees his future as that of his staid in-laws. It isn't until he is in his late thirties that he truly does begin to contemplate ending the marriage, all because of his new eighteen year old secretary, Agnès, with who he believes he has fallen in love. The questions become whether he will do anything about it, if his feeling for Agnès truly is love, whether Agnès has similar feelings for him, and how Florence truly feels about marriage to him after ten years and visa versa. Written by Huggo


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